About Us


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is more than just a political party; it represents a vision for a prosperous Pakistan where every citizen, regardless of gender or social standing, holds high self-esteem and extends a helping hand to fellow compatriots based on the principles of humanity. Founded by Imran Khan, PTI's ultimate goal is to establish justice for all, recognizing that a just society has the greatest potential for success. At its core, PTI aims to help Pakistan become the best version of itself and gain a prominent place on the world stage. Pakistan, with its abundant natural resources and talented population, has immense potential, but it has been hindered by corrupt leadership and a lack of justice. PTI's dream is to transform Pakistan into a self-sufficient nation that prioritizes the welfare of its people.

One of PTI's early objectives was to create an independent justice system, ensuring that every citizen, whether rich or poor, receives equal and impartial justice. PTI takes pride in achieving this milestone in Pakistan through its pivotal role in the lawyers' movement and its consistent advocacy for a fair and inclusive judicial system, free from social class or demographic biases. Another core stance of PTI is the removal of corrupt leaders who have siphoned wealth from Pakistan and stashed it abroad.


PTI was founded on April 25, 1996, in Lahore. It marked its first electoral success in the 2002 Elections when Imran Khan secured a seat in the National Assembly representing Mianwali. In 2008, PTI boycotted the elections as a principled stand against corruption. However, in 2013, PTI garnered 7.5 million votes, becoming the second-largest party in terms of votes. PTI formed the government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, with a strong focus on improving the lives of ordinary citizens. Even its staunchest rivals acknowledge PTI's contributions in making the police independent to ensure justice for all, overhauling the public education system, which led to more than 34,000 private school students switching to government schools, reforming healthcare policies to support those in need, and significantly reducing corruption.

A pivotal moment in PTI's history was the massive rally on October 30, 2011, at Minar-e-Pakistan, where people from diverse backgrounds, especially youth and women, turned out in large numbers to demonstrate their support for Imran Khan and their determination to challenge the existing status quo in Pakistan. The Karachi rally in December 2011 further confirmed that this movement had permanently altered Pakistan's political landscape, with the youth taking ownership of their country and their unwavering commitment to bring about change. Imran Khan refers to this movement as the struggle for a "Naya Pakistan" (New Pakistan), drawing parallels with Jinnah's movement for the creation of Pakistan.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to build a fair and equitable society rooted in humane principles while consistently nurturing the dignity of our nation's citizens. PTI is committed to reinstating the people's sovereign and inherent right to make political and economic choices in harmony with our rich social, cultural, and religious values. We are a diverse and inclusive movement for transformation, dedicated to forging a liberated society founded on the principles of justice. We understand that true national rejuvenation can only be realized when individuals enjoy genuine freedom.